Canada – England – Argentina – O.F.P – P & PC
F.D.R – Flag – Lucky – XMAS – REL
LP – REL t.c – SHIPS – SOC
A revised update of “Yesterday’s Elongateds” is long overdue. TEC plans to tackle this project. However, we need help. The Fairbanks “Guide to Unlisteds” contains descriptions only. Rosato’s “Unlisteds” includes illustrations with descriptions. However, we need pictures of all new items to be included in the revision. Here is where you come in. Please review your collections and furnish TEC with pictures of coins that you have in your collection that fit the descriptions of unlisted items, plus others that you may have that may not yet have been identified. Each person submitting information will be listed as a contributor in the revised issue. They will also be recognized and thanked in TEC News as we proceed. Coins that will be included are those from 1965 and earlier.
Pictures can be emailed to Pictures@tecnews.org If you happen to know the number of the elongated i.e. ARI-phx 3a, be sure to include it with the picture and help us verify. Please send one image per email. Send as high of a resolution as you can in an image form (JPG, JPEG, GIF, etc. Not a PDF) Please send any identification or other information you know about the coin as well.
If you have any questions regarding the pictures, use the email above and we will walk you through the process. If you don’t have a way to get a photo or a scan but have the coin in your collection, please let us know so we can work something out. We really want to get this completed and it is going to require help from many sources.
UPDATE AS OF 2-5-2021:
UPDATE AS OF 1-17-2021 :
PHOTOs we have Listing 1-17-2021
ALA – bir 1
Vertical line wire-rope border. On same as curve of top of coin around top /STATE FAIR/. Small line under “E” of “STATE”. Below horizontal /1913/. Below, a horseshoe with ends down, a bouquet of flowers on stems thru center, plus a star left & right. Below horizontal on two lines /LUCKY/CENT/. Below, on same curve as bottom of coin /BIRMINGHAM/. Below, on same curve as bottom of coin /ALA/. To right of words “LUCKY CENT”, a small raised square. R-10
ARI – phx 2c
Horizontal with dot border. All wording horizontal. In Six lines /SUBSCRIPTION REBATE/FROM “ARIZONA VECTURIST”/WORTH $1.00 IN TRADE WITH THE/ARIZONA EXONUMIST, H.C.SCHMAL/BOX 5238 PHOENIX AZ850/. Initials DD at bottom right. R-4
ARI – phx 3a
Vertical with dot border. On same as curve of top of coin around top /ARIZONA STATE NUMISMATIC ASSN/. Standing cactus depicted at center. Below, in four horizontal lines /2ND ANNUAL/CONVENTION/PHOENIX/1966/. Initials DD at bottom right. R-1
ARI – phx 3b
Vertical with dot border. At top, horizontal in two lines /2ND/ANNUAL/. Below, at center, State map outline with circled letters “ASNA” in it. Below in four horizontal lines /CONVENTION/PHOENIX/FEB 25-27/1966/. Initials DD at center-left of map outline. R-1
ARI – phx 3c
Horizontal with dot border. Same curve as top of coin around top /ARIZONA STATE NUMISMATIC ASSN/. Below, at center in dual circles, State map outline containing a scroll emblem. To left of center, Horizontal in four lines /2ND/ANNUAL/CONVEN-/TION/. To right of center, horizontal in four lines /PHOENIX/ARIZONA/FEB 25-27/1966/. Initials DD at bottom- right of dual circles. R-1
ARI – phx 3d
Horizontal with dot border. Identical to ARI – phx 3c, except on same curve as bottom of coin /BANQUET FEB. 26/ R-1
ARI – phx 3e
Vertical with dot border. Identical to ARI – phx 3a, except “2ND” changed to “3RD” and date “1966” to “1967”. R-1
ARI – phx 5b
Horizontal with dot border. At center, depicted, a horse-drawn tram facing right. Under horses nose, horizontal /AVA 402/. At bottom, horizontal /H.C. SCHMAL/. Initials DD just to right of top center. R-1
ARI – tuc 2
Vertical with dot border. Identical to ARI – tuc 1, except “3RD” has been changed to “4TH” and date of “January 31/1965”/ to “January 30/1966”/. R-1
ARI – tuc 3
Vertical with dot border. Identical to ARI tuc 2, except “4TH” has been changed to “5TH” and the date re-engraved and boxed in as /JANUARY 29/1967/. R-1
Horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /LONG BEACH/. Depicted at center, two figures standing amidst ruins. At left of center /MAR. 10/. At right of center /1933/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /QUAKE DISASTER/. R-8
CAL – Sac 3 ‘
Vertical with No border. On same curve as top of coin at top /STATE FAIR/. Depicted at center, a large building with dome off-center left, spire of same touches bottom of “E” of “STATE”. Below building, horizontal in three lines /CAPITOL/1932/A “STAR”/. At bottom, on same curve as bottom of coin /SACRAMENTO/. R-7
CAL sac 3a
Vertical with No border. Similar to CAL – sac 3. Spire tip of dome touches bottom of vertical stem of “T” in “STATE”. On CAL – sac 3 it points between “T” and “E” of “STATE”, and touches outside of bottom leg of “E”. Completely different placement and size of lettering, building more defined. R-8
CAL – AE 4b ‘
Horizontal with rope border but entirely different die. Same configuration as used in CAL – AE 4, but entirely different die used. R-5
CAL – GGIE 22b
Obverse – Horizontal with dot border. Similar to center depiction of CAL – GGIE 1. Reverse – Vertical with dot border. /LORD’S PRAYER/ in 23 horizontal lines. R-4
CAL – GGIE 22c
Horizontal with dot border. Same obverse as CAL – GGIE 22b. Reverse is blank. R-5
CAL – GGIE 22d
Horizontal with small dot border. From outside center-left, to outside center-right, running around top of coin /GOLDEN GATE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION/ in very small letters, with fluffly clouds under same. Distant view of Alcatraz depicted, the other side of a wide expanse of water, with numerous waves, and a small sailboat at extreme right. At center , an eye-level view of Treasure Island grounds, with what appears to be a long road- way or cause-way depicted at the left side, water and waves to the left of same. A tall building or monument depicted in almost center of view. At frontal view, another breakwater depicted, with water and waves in front of same, and a small airplane flying over same, heading directly towards main view. Front outside center-left to outside center – right, running around bottom edge of coin /ON SAN FRANCISCO BAY * (A STAR) FEB. 18 – DEC . 2 – 1939/ in very small letters and numerals. R-9
CAL – GGB 4d
Horizontal with dot border. Similar to CAL – GGB 4a & 4b except FRANCISCO touches neither bridge nor building, and left corner of building is directly over “E” of the first “THE”. R-2
CAL – GGB 4e
Horizontal with dot border. At top, on same curve as top of coin in two lines /SAN FRANCISCO/MOST LOVED CITY/. Bridge depicted in background. Under it, in two horizontal lines /GOLDEN GATE/BRIDGE/. At left a cable–car depicted on an uphill slant. Under it, also on a slant, in one line /CABLE CAR/. R-2
CAL – GGB 11
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top /GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE/. At left edge a cable-car depicted, top of which obliterates left end of bridge in background. Under cable-car /CABLE CAR/. Eight small blobs under bridge two center supports, could be small boats or waves. At right-center, under small blobs and two center supports /FISHERMANS WHARF/ in two horizontal lines. Wharf depicted running left-center of coin to center-right edge, passing thru letters “ans” of “Fishermans”, and thru and almost obliterating the word “Wharf”. Front three quarters of a large boat depicted at bottom-right, apparently tied to the wharf. R-2
CAL s.f 2b
Horizontal with bead border, dash between beads. Similar to CAL s.f 2a, except different curvature to words /SEAL ROCKS/. Top of “S” of “Rocks” almost touches “H” of “House”, but is more centered between bottom legs of “H”, than on CAL s.f 3. R-2
CAL s.f 6a
Horizontal with dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top /SAN FRANCISCO’S FAMOUS CHINATOWN/. Scene of Chinatown buildings. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /LARGEST IN U.S.A/. R-5
CAL s.f 7 a
Vertical with small dot border. At center a tall multiple tiered Chinese pagoda type building, somewhat similar to those shown in CAL s.f 6 – 6a – 7. Five oriental symbols or letters up left edge of coin, and five up right edge of coin. At bottom, under base of building, in one horizontal line /.-./. On same curve as bottom of coin at very bottom edge, /SAN FRANCISCO/ R-10
CAL s.f 15
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /SAN FRANCISCO/. Below a long bridge depicted. Below it, at right, an island, under it /ALCATRAZ/. At left a long dock with ships tied to it. At bottom, horizontal in two lines /FISHERMANS/WHARF/. Many water lines shown. (Note: Numerous modern variations abound). R-2
CAL Ven 3
Horizontal with NO border. Top-left in two lines /VENETIAN/GARDENS/. Top-right /1909/. Large oriental type building depicted across center. At bottom /VENICE, CAL./. R-8
CAL xxx 7
Horizontal with dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge /SOUVENIR OF HOLLYWOOD/. Centered across face of coin, a grouping of assorted size buildings. Tall square building at extreme left has on it vertically /NBC/. To left of this building stands a four-way street sign with what appears to be two large birds sitting on it. Long straight horizontal line under all buildings. Under it, horizontal in one line /VICTORY/. Under it, in one horizontal line /1945/. R-9
DC was 2
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge /WASHINGTON. D.C./. At center of coin Knights of Columbus emblem, /KolC/ horizontal in top of emblem. To left of emblem on an approximate 45° slant upward /LUCKY/. To right of emblem on an approximate 30° slant downward /CENT/. Five pointed star or flower beneath Lucky and Cent. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /1912/. R-10
FLA s.p 3
Horizontal with rope border & wire border inside it. On same curve as top of coin around top and sides /MIAMI FLORIDA ST. PETERSBURG/. At center, left to right depicted, Palm Tree – Tall Tower – Pelican. At bottom on same curve as bottom of coin /BOK TOWER/. Small solid oval before “Bok” and after “Tower” R-9
FLA s.s 1b
Horizontal with rolled border. Same as FLA s.s 1, except for having a rolled border. R– 2
FLA tam 2
Vertical with rope border. (NOTE – Made from a ground off die which was originally ILL – CPIE 1a) At top, horizontal /1938/. At center, depicted, official emblem and streamers as per the other issue. At bottom, in two Horizontal lines /FLORIDA/FAIR/. R-4
Vertical with dot border. Identical to HAWAII 3, except for numerous palm leaves added at base of tower. (Note: Coin observed has a vertical die-break line running completely thru it at center, top to bottom.) R-6
Horizontal with large dot border. At top, on same curve as top of coin /HAWAII/. Depicted at center a large pineapple, fronds to left. At bottom, on same curve as bottom of coin /ALOHA/. R-10
ILL – WCE 6a
Horizontal with NO border. Obverse is the same as the reverse depicted for ILL – WCE 6. Reverse is blank. R-7
ILL – CPIE 16a
Horizontal with rope border. Identical to ILL – CPIE 16, except removed from the original die the date of /19/ /33/ and the word /CHICAGO/. R-3
ILL – CPIE 38b
Vertical with rope border. Obverse the same as ILL – CPIE 38a. Reverse is blank. R-7
ILL – CPIE 39a
Horizontal with rope border. Same as ILL – CPIE 39, except date changed to /1934-/. R–5
ILL – CPIE 40b
Horizontal with rope border. Same as ILL – CPIE 40, except reverse is blank. R-3
ILL – CPIE 40c
Horizontal with rope border. Similar to ILL – CPIE 40, except for the following, ie /CAGO WORLD’ S/ has been removed from the die, as has /TRAVEL BL’G/. In their place is the bust of A. Lincoln, as depicted on a regular cent, but appearing to be in a photo-frame. R-3
ILL – CPIE 46a
Horizontal with dot border. Similar to ILL – CPIE 46, except pebbled ends have been smoothed out, and “D” of “BLDG” is larger and does not touch the building. R-3
ILL – CPIE 47b
Horizontal with fine dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top, in very small lettering /CHICAGO WORLDS FAIR/. At center, a smaller, compact version of building as depicted for ILL – CPIE 43b, with very small numerals /19/ at left and /33/ at right. Under building and on same curve as bottom of coin around bottom, in very small lettering /TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT BUILDING/. R–9
ILL – CPIE 61a
Horizontal with dot border. Similar to ILL – CPIE 61, except lettering, date, and building are all smaller. R–4
ILL – CPIE 62b
Horizontal with dot border. At top, on same curve as top of coin, /CHICAGO/FAIR/. Between them, on a curved slant /WORLD’S/. Below that, in one horizontal line /THE HALL OF SCIENCE/. Below, and across the center of coin, a large building is depicted. R– 5
ILL – CPIE 64a
Horizontal with fine dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top, in very small lettering /WORLDS FAIR CHICAGO/. At center, a smaller compact version of building as depicted for ILL – CPIE 61, with tall tower splitting the words “FAIR” and “CHICAGO”, closer to “R” of “FAIR”, and touching dot border. Tower also separates small numerals /19/ and /33/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom and under building, in very, very small lettering /HALL OF SCIENCE/. R-9
ILL – CPIE 83a
Horizontal with small dot border. At upper left side /WORLD’S FAIR/. Under it, in a twisted line /CHICAGO/. At top center /1933/. Filling coin facing appears to be an aerial view of the grounds, with grouped shrubbery at left end. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom of view /MOROCCO VILLAGE/. All wording in very small lettering. R-10
ILL – CPIE 113
Vertical with wire border. Centered on coin, a long rectangular frame with doubled line border. At top, inside of same, on one horizontal line /1933/. Below that, depicted, official emblem &
streamers. Below that, in two horizontal lines /A CENTURY/OF PROGRESS/. Below that, in an ornate box /CHICAGO/. At bottom, a small wheel-like design with curlicues each side. This “coin” may well be a “stamped” or simulated issue. R–2
ILL – CPIE 114
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top /A CENTURY OF PROGRESS/. Centered on piece, and completely filling face, a large tiered building. Tower spire at top-center splits “Y” of “Century” and “O” of “Of”, and touches border. Under base of building, in one horizontal line /CHICAGO/. On same curve as bottom of coin to left of it /1833/ to right /1933/. R-3
ILL – peo 1
Odd shape with No border. 25 cent size, neither vertical nor horizontal, but not quite a true “round”. On same curve as top of coin around top /BRADLEY/. Depicted at center an hour-glass. To left of same in one horizontal line /19/. To right of same, in one horizontal line /06/. On same curve as bottom of coin under the above /HOROLOGICAL/. (The science of measuring time). (Shaped similar to IND ind 3). R-4
ILL chi 1a
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin at top /SOUVENIR/. Below that, a scene depicted which appears to be a long corridor or arch of flags, with a small building at the end. Numerous people shown in foreground. At bottom, on same curve as bottom of coin in one line /RIVERVIEW PARK CHICAGO/. View is similar to ILL – CPIE 13. R-7
ILL – chi 9a
Horizontal with denticle border. Obverse the same as ILL – chi 19. On the reverse, on same curve as top of coin at top /NATIONAL LIVE/. At center, a steers head. To left of it /CHICAGO/. To right of it /1901/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /STOCK ASSOCIATION/. “Mule”. R5
ILL.- chi 21b
Horizontal with rolled border. Identical to the obverse of ILL – chi 21. Reverse is blank. R-4
ILL – chi 23a
Horizontal with rolled border. Obverse the same as ILL – chi 23. On reverse, in four horizontal lines /USE/ARMOUR’S/“STAR”/HAMS & BACON/. At bottom, same curve as bottom of coin /“NOTHING FINER CAN BE PRODUCED”/. “Mule” R-6
ILL – chi 24a
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin around top /INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK SHOW/. Below at center, man carrying flag on horseback. To left of him a horse head facing right. To right of him a steer head facing left. At bottom, on same curve as bottom of coin /CHICAGO ILLINOIS/. R-6
ILL – chi 27a
Obverse – horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /GALT HOUSE/. At center in two horizontal lines /AUGUST 27,-30/1901/. Below, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CONCLAVE/. Reverse – horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top /ARMOURS/. Below that in four horizontal lines /DAINTY – DELICIOUS/CANNED MEATS/PACKED IN AIR TIGHT/CANS/. Below that, on same curve as bottom of coin /CHICAGO/. “Mule” R-6
ILL chi 35
Obverse – Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin /GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL/. Below at center, shield-type design with four “arms”. Wording in shield, at top, /LOYALTY/, at bottom /CHRIST/. Initials in “arms”, at top /B/, at left /Y/, at right /P/, at bottom /U/. To left of center design, in two horizontal lines /JULY/25-28/. To right of center design, /1901/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /CHICAGO/. Reverse – horizontal with NO border. At top on same curve as top of coin /VISIT/. Below it, in two horizontal lines /ARMOUR’S/ THE LARGEST PACKING/. Below it on same curve as bottom of coin at the bottom /PLANT IN THE WORLD/. R– 8
ILL – chi 36
Obverse – horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top with small design before and after /SOUVENIR/. At center, in one horizontal line /PALM LUNCH/. Below it, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /PITTS – KIMBALL CO/. Reverse – horizontal with rolled border. Same curve as top of coin at top /ARMOUR’S/. Below it in four horizontal lines /DAINTY – DELICIOUS/CANNED MEATS/PACKED IN AIR-TIGHT/CANS/. Below, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /CHICAGO/. “Mule” R- 8
ILL – chi 37
Obverse – horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /BAULAND’S/. Below it in two variously curved lines /PURE FOOD/MARKET/. Below it in one horizontal line /OLIVER B. HEFNER/. Below, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /MANAGER/. Reverse – horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top /USE/. Below it, in three horizontal lines /ARMOUR’S/“STAR”/HAMS & BACON/. Below it, a small design. Below said design and on same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /“NOTHING BETTER CAN BE PRODUCED”/. “Mule” R- 8
ILL – chi 38
Obverse – horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /SIEGEL-COOPER-CO./. Below it, at center in one horizontal line /SOUVENIR/. Below it, on same curve as bottom of coin at the bottom /PURE FOOD MART/. Reverse – Identical to above ILL – chi 37 reverse. “Mule” R– 8
ILL – chi 39
Obverse, horizontal with No border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge /PAGENT OF PROGRESS/. Filling complete center, a long rectangular building. Right hand view, with four towers inset slightly on the four corners. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom edge /JULY 29 – AUG. 14, 1922/. Reverse – horizontal with No border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge /COMPLIMENTS OF/. Just below center, in one Horizontal line /ELGIN SIX. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom edge /CHICAGO’S OWN CAR/. “Mule” R-4
ILL – gal 1a
Obverse the same as ILL gal 1. Reverse the same as LUCKY ¢ 6. “Mule” R-3
ILL – spr 1a
Obverse identical to ILL – spr 1, except for having a rolled border. “Mule” R-6
ILL – roc 1
Dot border. /SOUVENIR OF THE WAGONWHEEL/. Wagon wheel in center in oval position. Below /ROCKTON, ILLINOIS/. Information vague. R-8
IND – ind 1a
Identical to IND – ind 1, except date changed to /1937/. R-6
IND – ind 3a
Obverse – Vertical with unclear border. At top in one horizontal line /IKKO/. Below it, on same curve as top of coin on one line /MATSUMOTO/. Below it, on same curve as top of coin in one line /MANUFACTURING/. Below it, in one horizontal line /JEWELER/. Below it, in one horizontal line /17??/. Below it, in one line on same curve as bottom of coin /MERIDIAN/. Below it, on same curve as bottom of coin in one line /INDPLS IND/. Small design at extreme base. Reverse – Identical to P & PC 22 “Mule” R-9
IND – xxx 3
Vertical with rope border. On same curve as top of coin at top /SOUVENIR/. At center, a standing figure of Santa Claus with sack, facing right, on a platform. Curved up around left side /SANTA CLAUS, INDIANA/. Curved up and facing out around right side /SANTA CLAUS PARK/. Om same curve as bottom of coin around bottom under platform /1855/1935/. R–9
KAN hug 2
Obverse the same as KAN hug 1 .Reverse – Vertical with dash border. On same curve as top of coin at top /OUR FLAG/. Below it, in two horizontal lines /OUR/COUNTRY/. At center , a U. S. Flag depicted waving right. Below it, on same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /GOD BLESS AMERICA/. “Mule” R-4
KY.lou 2a
Identical to K.Y. lou 2, except date changed to /1938/. R-4
KY. lou 6
Vertical with NO border. On same curve as top of coin around top /35 NATNL ENCAMPMENT/. Below it, horizontal in staggered letters /VFW/. Below at center , their symbol and around an inner circle /VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS/. At center of inner circle, U.S. shield. Below symbol in two horizontal lines /SEPT . 30 – OCT. 5/1934/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /LOUISVILLE, KY/. R–7
KY.xxx 1
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top, but split by top of monument /DEDICATED NOV. 9, 1911/. At center, a large monument depicted. Below it, on the steps, in two horizontal lines /HOUGENVILLE/KY./. On same curve as bottom of coin around the bottom /LINCOLN MEMORIAL HALL/. R-10
LA n.o 2a
Identical to LA n.o 3, except date is /1935/. R- 4
LA n.o 4c
Identical to LA n.o 4, except date changed to /1940/. R-4
ME.xxx 1
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin at top /OFFICIAL SOUVENIR/. At center, a long building on an even longer pier depicted. Below it in water lines, in one horizontal line /PIER/. Below it, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /OLD ORCHARD, ME./ R-10
MExxx 2
Vertical with No border. Centered vertical on coin, but closer to bottom edge than to top edge, appears to be a staggered window lighthouse. Running vertical up left side /PORTLAND MAINE/. Centered at right side in one horizontal line /1807/. R-6
MD xxx 1
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge of coin, in two lines /FIREMAN/LUCKY/. Below it, in one horizontal line /CENT/ with small star to left and right. At center, a small horseshoe, ends down, with ladder and pike-pole in the opening. On same curve as bottom of coin under horseshoe, and at bottom edge of coin, in three lines /HAGERSTOWN, MD./JUNE 12-14/1912/. R-10
MAS bos 3
Horizontal with dot border. Coin is identical to ILL chi 12, in regards to all surface engraving but – /BOSTON/ has been added at lower left, tailing over Chicago and date /1940/ added above original /1939/. R-6
MAS xxx 1
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge /PILGRIM MONUMENT/. At center of coin, a tall vertical monument, top separates the upper wording. In right side background view, a large schooner type vessel. Top of center mast touches right leg of second “M” in “monument”. Two flying birds depicted at left of left sail, and two flying birds depicted at right of right sail. Waves shown around ship, with shrubbery shown at shoreline. In left side background view, a large anchor with roping attached depicted, slanted to left at 45 degrees. One flying bird to left of anchor, two flying birds to right of anchor. Waves depicted around and under said anchor. Large mass of shrubbery depicted at shoreline under anchor. Shrubbery at left and right sides split by /PROVINCETOWN/ in same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge. Billowy clouds depicted in sky background area. (Note: Previously listed as Simul. 22 and R.I. xxx 1. R-8
MIC xxx 1
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin at top /ARCH ROCK/. Depicted below, a large archway, small bridge leading to it at right, and a small sailboat shown with water lines, thru hollow of arch. Below, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /MACKINAC ISLAND MICH/. R-9
MIN xxx 2
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge /MINNESOTA STATE FAIR/. /L ‘ ETOILE DU NORD/. Below this, across face of coin, rising sunburst at left coming up over an extended hill-side. Appears to be three shrubs at center on the same plane, and three more at extreme right. Below this a horse and rider facing left with a section of grass in front of horse. To the right, on the same plane, figure of a man who appears to be plowing, with a group of trees or shrubbery at extreme right. Below at bottom edge, in one line, same curve as bottom of coin /AUG 26 – SEPT 4, 1939/. R-10
Identical it MO-SLWF 18, except all flags blowing right. R-9
Obverse – Vertical with denticle border. Basic coin engraving larger but very similar to MO- SLWF 9 & 9a. Near bottom edge, on same curve as edge, /CASCADES/. Reverse – Horizontal with denticle border. Basic coin engraving same as reverse of MO-SLWF 23. R-10
N.J a.c 3a
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top and running down right side /ATLANTIC CITY/. Centered on coin, an Elks head and neck with antlers. “Star of David” centered in antlers. (Head view similar to those on (B .P. O. E. issues.) Horizontal under neck, in one line /JULY/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom of coin /1911/. R-9
N.J a.c 13
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin at top /SOUVENIR/. Four “beach umbrellas” spaced below and around word “souvenir”. At center, a female figure diving left into multiple water lines. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /ATLANTIC CITY NJ/. R–9
N.J a.c 14
Vertical with rope border. “Lord’s Prayer” in 19 lines. No punctuation used. Cello-tag attached, similar to tag of N.J a.c 12, ie /SOUVENIR OF/ATLANTIC CITY/N. J./. R-3
N.Y b.i 8
Vertical with rolled border. At center “Statue of Liberty” on platform. Curved up left side /STATUE OF LIBERTY/. Curved up right side and facing in /NEW YORK CITY/. At bottom a design superimposed over water lines. R-5
N.Y b.i 8a
Vertical with rope border. Same as N.Y b.i 2, but very thin lettering. R-2
N.Y- PAE 6a
Vertical with rolled border. Basic engraving the same as N.Y- PAE 6, except at bottom of coin /ELECTRIC/TOWER/ is in two Horizontal lines. R-6
N.Y- PAE 7d
Obverse – Vertical with rolled border. Same as N.Y- PAE 7. Reverse – horizontal with wire border. Similar to reverse depicted for N.Y- PAE 8, except coin has only /ARMOUR’S/ on same curve as top of coin at top, and only /ARMOURS/ as top line within shield. “Mule” R-4
N.Y-PAE 9b
Horizontal with rolled border. Basic engraving the same as N.Y- PAE 9a, except for apostrophe after /MFG’/ no dash used. Three line design used after date, none before. R-4
N.Y- PAE 10a
Horizontal with rolled border. Same as N.Y- PAE 10, except no periods used after /MFG/ or /LIBERAL/ in first line. No dash after /AM/, and a period instead of a dash after /1901./ in second line. R-4
N.Y- PAE 11a-a
Horizontal with rolled border. Obverse & reverse same as N.Y- PAE 11a, except for an apostrophe after /MFG’/ on obverse. “Mule”. R-4
N.Y- PAE 11d
Obverse the same as the reverse depicted for N.Y- PAE 11c. Reverse is blank. R-4
N.Y- PAE 11e
Obverse the same as N.Y- PAE 10. Reverse the same as N.Y- PAE 11a, except no period after /CHICAGO/. “Mule” R-4
N.Y- PAE l3d
Obverse the same as N.Y- PAE 13. Reverse – Horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin in three lines, starting at top /COMPLlMENTS OF C. A. LEONHARDT/BUILDING IN WHICH/PRESIDENT WM. McKINLEY/. Next line, horizontal /WAS SHOT/. Next two lines, on same curve as bottom of coin /SEPT. 6, 1901./46 CHAPEL ST., PROV., R. I./. “Mule” R-7
N.Y- PAE 16a
Same as N.Y- PAE 16, except coin dated one year after issue date of event. R–3
N.Y– PAE 21a
Obverse the same as N.Y- PAE 18. Reverse the same as N.Y – PAE 21. “Mule” R-4
N.Y buf 2a
Obverse the same as N.Y buf 2. Reverse – Horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /CHAS. F. DAMM./. Small design lengthwise. Below it, in three horizontal lines /MFTG, JEWELER/ “DIAMOND RINGS”/FROM 5.00 up/. Small design lengthwise. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /520·MAIN. ST./. “Mule” R-7
N.Y buf 2b
Obverse the same as N.Y buf 2. Reverse – Horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /.CHAS. F. DAMM./. Small design lengthwise. Below it in four lines /.MFG. JEWELER/WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY/.SILVERWARE.ETC./FOR HOLIDAY.GIFTS/. Small design lengthwise. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /.520.MAIN.ST./. R-7
N.Y buf 7a
Obverse the same as N.Y buf 7. Reverse the same as Misc. xxx 21. “Mule” R-4
N.Y c.i 4b
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top /LUNA PARK/. At center, almost completely filling coin space, a massive carnival-like or midway scene. At bottom in two lines on same curve as bottom of coin, and slightly to the right /CONEY/ISLAND/. R-7
N.Y c.i 8b
Horizontal with denticle border. Same as N.Y c.i 8a, except for fewer flames, no periods used, and denticle border. R-5
N.Y c.i 15
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top /FELTMANS’ DEUTSCHER GARDEN/. At center, a long building depicted, fronted by seven tree-shrubs. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /CONEY ISLAND, N.Y./. R-10
NO. caro. 1
Horizontal with dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /FORT RALIEGH NO C./. At center an old fort depicted. Under front gate /1587/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom edge /BIRTHPLACE OF VIRGINA DARE/. R-10
N.Y n.r 1
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin up left side, over and around top, and down right side /225 ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y./. At center of coin a horseshoe with ends down. Four nail heads on left tang, and three nail heads on right tang. Horizontal in center of horseshoe, in two lines /1688/1913/. Below horseshoe ends, in two horizontal lines /LUCKY/CENT/. Small five pointed star at extreme bottom of coin. R-10
N.Y-WF(1) 12b
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin at top /ADMINISTRATION BUILDING/. At center, on an angle, a large building with three trees fronting it. At bottom, on same curve as bottom of coin in two lines /1939–1940/NEW YORK WORLD’S FAIR/. R-6
N.Y-WF(1) 38a
Same as N.Y-WF(1) 38, except for much fewer water lines at bottom. R-3
N.Y-WF(1) 43
Vertical with rope border. “Lord’s Prayer” in 19 lines. Small “k” at bottom center. R–3
N.Y-WF(1) 44
Same as N.Y-WF(l) 43, except small “k” at bottom right. R-3
N.Y-WF(1) 45
Same as REL t.c 1. R-3
N.Y-WF(1 ) 46
Same as REL t.c 2a. R– 3
N.Y-WF(2) 12
Horizontal with dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /NEW YORK WORLDS FAIR/. At center a building. At left of building /19/. At right of building /65/. Under front left of building, in small letters /RWJ/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /BILLY GRAHAM PAVILION/. R-1
N.Y-WF (2) 13
Horizontal with dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /NEW YORK WORLDS FAIR/. At center a large pyramid with five smaller ones around it. To left of center /19/. To right of center /65/. Under front-left pyramid, in small letters /RWJ/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PAVILION/. R-1
N.Y-WF (2) 14
Vertical with slant dash border. At top, opposite a “ball” atop a structure, and horizontal /FABULOUS/. Next horizontal line /FLORIDA/. Below that a boxed /FLORIDA/ sign on a structure. To right of structure, in five horizontal lines /NEW/YORK/WORLD’S/FAIR/1964-1965/. R- 8
N.Y n.y 16a
Vertical with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top /THE EMPIRE STATE/. At center the Empire State Building depicted. At bottom edge, in one horizontal line /NEW YORK/. R-5
O.cin 6
Vertical with rolled border. Around left side, top, and right side /NATIONAL AND STATE CONVENTION/. Under “State” at top, in two horizontal lines /OF/N.A.S.E./. At center, a horseshoe, ends down, containing a swastika. Outside top left of horseshoe /CINCINNATI.O./. Below it, on same curve as top of coin /SEPT. 11 15/. Below it, on one line /1911/. R-7
O. cle 3a
Identical to O. cle 3, except no period after /SEPT/. R– 3
O. cle 10a
Identical to O. cle 10, except no dashes before or after /1937/. R-5
O. xxx 4
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /SOUVENIR/. On same curve as top of coin on next line /OHIO STATE FAIR/. Horizontal on next line /1946/. Below it, horizontal in one line /BACK AGAIN/. Small steer head facing front, to right of “AGAIN”, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /BIGGER & BETTER/. R- 6
ORE xxx 2
Vertical with NO border. On same curve as top of coin around top /TRAIL TO RAIL/. Below it, horizontal in one line /19/. Below it, an oxen drawn covered wagon facing left. Below it, in one horizontal line /34/. Below it on same curve as bottom of coin a round bottom /EUGENE, ORE./. R– 8
PEN phi 4b
Same as PEN phi 4, except two stars added, left and right of “RALPH JONES”. Initials RJ at right of right star. R-1
PEN phi 4c
Same as PEN phi 4, except initials “RJ” added at right edge. R-1
PEN phi 5a
Horizontal with dot border, on same curve as top of coin at top /AMERICAN ELONGATED/. Below it, horizontal in four lines /FIRST CONVENTION/ROOSEVELT HOTEL/N.Y. CITY N.Y./DEC-I0-1966/. Below, on same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /COIN ASSOCIATION/. Left and right of “ROOSEVELT HOTEL”, a small oval containing wording on the same curve as top of coin /OFFICIAL/ and on the same curve as bottom of coin /COIN/. Initials “RJ” at right edge. R-1
PEN phi 5b
Same as PEN phi 5a, except has no ovals, and second “NY” reversed to “YN”. No periods in “NY” or “YN”. R-1
PEN phi 5c
Same as PEN phi 5a, except second “NY” reversed to “YN”. No periods in “NY” or “YN”. Does have the two ovals. R-1
PEN phi 8
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top /PHILADELPHIA ON PARADE/. At center, male figure carrying U. S. FLAG, blowing right. To left of center depiction, a small liberty bell. To right a small building. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /MAY 9th 18th 1935/. Waist of center figure separates the day dates. R-7
Vertical with 5 pointed star border. At top center, in two horizontal lines, staggered /1776/1926/. Center scene has a tall tower at left, with tip just to left of “1776”. To right of tower, at center, a female figure with skirt flowing left, and carrying a U.S.A. FLAG. Under flowing skirt, and on same curve as bottom of coin in three very fine lettering-lines, at bottom /THE SESQUICENTENNIAL/INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION/PHILADELPHIA/. Coin appears to have had the same engraving lightly rolled-out on the reverse side. “Mule” R-10
Vertical with No border. Obverse – Same as PEN-SCE 2. Reverse – Centered on coin, a small version of the Masonic Lodge symbols, similar to those shown for SOC m.o series numbers 3-4-5. On same curve as top of coin over top point of said symbols /F.& A.M./. “Mule” R-8
TEN xxx 2
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /OBER GATLINBURG/. At center, background view of mountains with alpine aerial-lift car shown. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /GATLINBURG, TENN./. R-6
TEN xxx 2a
Horizontal with dot border. Very similar to TEN xxx 2, except size of border dots, and suspension cables pass and touch the left side of first “G” in “Gatlinburg”. On TEN xxx 2 cables pass and touch the right side of first “G” and thru the “A”. R-6
TEX dal 2
Horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /STATE FAIR/. Below it a star. At center, a steer head with long horns curved up. On same curve as bottom of coin under left horn /19/. On same curve as bottom of coin under right horn /32/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom, split by steer nose /DALLAS TEXAS/. R-7
TEX xxx 3
Vertical with NO border. On same curve as top of coin over center design /PORT ISABEL/. At center depicted, a tall lighthouse on base with steps leading up. Three trees shown at front top of base. Below base, in two Horizontal lines /TEXAS/1853/. R-10
TEX xxx 4
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top /CATTLEMENS CONVENTION/. At center, a steer head facing right, with long horns curved slightly up. To left of steer’s neck /MAR/. To right of steer’s nose /1915/. P\On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /SAN ANTONIO TEX/ R-8
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin around top, at left /1836/ at center /TEXAS/ at right /1936/. At center of coin, the Alamo building depicted, with three flags over the left side and three flags over the right side. At bottom-center, a steer head. Long horns appear to support the Alamo building. R-9
Horizontal with rope border. On same curve as top of coin around top /TEXAS CENTENNIAL/. At center, a large five pointed star. To left of star, a small Alamo building depicted. To right of star three oil derricks of varying heights depicted. At center-bottom, a steer head with long horns. At left of steer’s nose, on same curve as bottom of coin /1836/. At right of steer’s nose, on same curve as bottom of coin /1936/. R-9
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top /CENTENNIAL/. At left edge /1836/ over shrubbery. At right edge /1936/ over shrubbery. At center a building depicted with a five pointed star at the roof peak. Under building in small letters /THE ALAMO/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /Dallas, Texas/. R-10
Horizontal with rope border. Center of coin has a large wire border oval, and depicts the frontal view of a large building, stepped in three tiers, ie. tall center part with two gradual reduced side pieces, left & right. Front facade of center building has the lettering /FORD/. Between the inner wire border and the outer rope border, running from bottom-left around coin to bottom- right /TEXAS CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION/. At bottom edge, also between the two borders /1836-1936/. R-10
VIR ann 2
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around left side, top, and right side /IN APPRECIATION OF YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE/. Below it in five Horizontal lines /$5.00/LEM MARTIN/$5.00 P. O. BOX 11 $5.00/ANNANDALE, VA. 22003/$5.00/. R-3
WAS xxx 1a
Identical to WAS xxx 1, except for very small “OUR” on reverse. R-4
Vertical with dot border. Apparently a variation of WAS-SWF 3a. Wording /I WAS THERE/ eliminated from die. R–4
W.V xxx 2
Horizontal with wire border. On same curve as top of coin around top /WEST VA. UNIVERSITY/. At center, a map outline of State depicted. To right of outline, horizontal /1938/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom /ENGINEER’S SHOW/. Circle around “OW” of “SHOW”. R-8
W.V xxx 3
Vertical with wire border. On same curve as top of coin around top /-non-decipherable/. At center, American Legion symbol. Under it, in two horizontal lines /SEPT 30-OCT 5/1934/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom/-non-decipherable/. R-7
Vertical with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /LUCKY/. Curved around left side /HAMILTON/ with small star before and after. Curved around right side and facing out /.EXPOSITION 1909./ with period before E and after last 9. At center, a large horseshoe with ends down, containing an upright Maple Leaf, and under it, same curve as bottom of coin /CANADA/. Wording around interior of horseshoe /HAMILTON MEANS HUSTLE/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /CENT/. R- 9
Similar to ENGLAND 1, except placement of letters differs. R-6
Obverse – Vertical with NO border. On same curve as top of coin around a center design /BUENO AIRES/. At center of design /1910/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom of design /EXPOSITION/. Reverse – Vertical with NO border. At center, a large design with what appears to be a wreath around it. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /1910/. “Mule” R-10
O.F.P. 7A
Obverse the same as O.F.P. 7. Reverse the same as F.D.R. 5. “Mule” R-6
O.F.P. 14a
Similar to O.F.P. 14. Different die used. Much smaller bust of Will Rogers. R-7
P & PC 4a
Similar to P & PC 4, except dated /1911/. R-8
P & PC 13b
Round with U.S. coinage edge. On same curve as top of coin around top /UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/. At center, head of Theodore Roosevelt with monocle over right eye, facing front. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /1904/. R-6
P & PC 13c
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top /TEDDY/. Below it a bust of Theodore Roosevelt facing left. Below bust a swastika. On same curve as bottom of coin below it, in two lines /ROOSEVELT/1910/. Running up left side of coin, facing in /LUCKY/. Running up right side of coin, facing out /CENT/. R-10
P & PC 17a
Vertical with rope border. At center, head view of J.F.K. facing left. Above it /PRESIDENT/. Below head /JOHN F KENNEDY/. R-3
P & PC 19b
Same as P & PC 19 except a star added at left and right of date. Initials RJ at right edge. R-1
P & PC 19c
Same as P & PC 19, except initials RJ at right edge. R-1
P & PC 22a
Vertical with NO border. Chubby idol depicted at center and towards the bottom of coin. Letters /IKKO/ along side of left shoulder. Over idol’s head in two same curve as top of coin lines /NO. WANT./GOLD. BUG./. R-9
P & PC 26a
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top /MY CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT/. Top of head-hair splits “CHOICE” and “FOR”. At center, a male head facing left. To left of head /19/. To right of head /08/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /WILLIAM J . BRYAN/. R-7
P & PC 27a
Horizontal with rope border. At center, U.S. FLAG blowing right. At left of flag, a male bust facing right. Under bust, on same curve as bottom of coin /LANDON/. At right of flag, a male bust facing left. Under bust, on same curve as bottom of coin /KNOX/. Horizontal under flag, at bottom-center /1936/. R-9
P & PC 27b
Horizontal with small oval-bead border. At top, on same curve as top of coin /1936 1940/. At center, large domed building depicted, spire splits dates at top. At left of building, a male bust facing right. Under it, on same curve as bottom of coin /LANDON/. At right of building, a male bust facing left. Under it, on same curve as bottom of coin /KNOX/. R-9
P & PC 28
(Re-engraved die.) Same as book P & PC 28, except for the following, ie No die break. Initials RJJ added to right edge. Year date changed to /1743/. R-1
P & PC 28a
Same as above P & PC 28 except no initials RJJ at right edge. Initials RJ at left edge. R-1
P & PC 28b
Same as above P & PC 28, except no “3RD” over President. Initials RJJ at right edge. R-1
P & PC 28c
Same as P & PC 28, except no bust showing, and much of wording obliterated. Initials RJ at left edge. R-1
P & PC 30a
Same as P & PC 30, except birth year changed to /1732/. R-1
P & PC 32
Vertical with dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top, facing out, and reading right to left /AFTER/ in reverse. At center, a “two-way” man’s face. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /BEFORE/. Running up left side of coin /TOWNSEND PLAN/. R–9
P & PC 32a
Vertical with dot border. Same “smile” and “sad” face as depicted on P & PC 32. No legend. May well be a reverse to P & PC 32, instead of separate issue, thereby making it a “mule”. R–9
P & PC 33
Horizontal with dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge /WORLD’S 1939 FAIR/. Filling complete center of coin, a scenic view of a typical small town, ie school-church-farmhouse-numerous trees and shrubs. Horizontal underneath said view /MORRIS GEST’S/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom edge of coin /LITTLE MIRACLE TOWN/. Figure 1939 and lettering Miracle are approximately twice the size of other lettering. R-10
F.D.R. 3a
Same as F.D.R. 3, except 32nd PRESIDENT over top of head. R-7
F.D.R. 6a
Similar to F.D.R. 6, except entirely different die used. R–6
F.D.R. 7a
Same as F.D.R. 7, except third “C” of “C.C.C.” reversed. R–5
F.D.R. 7b
Same as F.D.R. 7, except “boil” on ear. R–2
F.D.R. 7c
Same as F.D.R. 7, except entirely different ear depicted. R–2
F.D.R. 9a
Vertical obverse the same as F.D.R. 9 Horizontal reverse – Meccarello Storecard. “Mule” R–3
F.D. R. 12a
Vertical with small dot border. Same as F. D.R 12, except no dash between dates /1882 1945/. R- 3
F.D.R. 15a
Similar to F.D.R. 15, except at bottom, dates /1882-1945/. No 1936. R-6
F.D.R. 28
Vertical with dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /FRANKLIN/. Under it in two horizontal lines /- D-/ROOSEVELT/. At center, a male bust facing right. Under it, on same curve as top of coin /1933-45/. Along left edge /HAWAII/. Along right edge /ALOHA/. R-9
F.D.R. 29
Vertical with dot border. Slightly down from top, on same curve as top of coin in three lines /FRANKLIN/-D-/ROOSEVELT/. At center, a male bust facing right. Under it, on same curve as top of coin /1933-45/. Along left side /ALOHA ALOHA/. Along right side /REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR/. (Similar to HAWAII 6) R-9
FLAG ots 1b
Vertical obverse the same as FLAG ots 1a. Horizontal reverse with NO border. In four horizontal lines /COINS ELONGATED/C . MECCARELLO/228 VASSAR RD./KEEPSIE, N.Y./. “Mule” R-3
LUCKY ¢ 6d
Same as LUCKY ¢ 6, except rolled in reverse. R-4
LUCKY ¢ 12a
Same as LUCKY ¢ 12, except /CHRISTMAS/ replaces /NEW-YEAR/, and date is /1908/. R– 6
LUCKY ¢ 24
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around leftside, top , and right side /NEW BRUNSWICK WEEK/. Small star before “NEW” and after “WEEK”. Second same curve as top of coin line /LUCKY/. Below it, a small horseshoe with ends down, containing a swastika. Below horseshoe ends, same curve as top of coin /CENT/. Below “CENT” a small squiggly line. Below said line, in one line, same curve as bottom of coin /MAY 26 – JUNE 1/. At bottom, in same curve as bottom of coin /1912/. Small star before and after date-year. R-7
LUCKY ¢ 25
Vertical with denticle border. At top, a tied-ribbon bow. Under it, a horseshoe with ends down. In center of horseshoe, on approximate 45 degree slant-right /GOOD/. Straight line under “GOOD”. Below it, on same slant /LUCK/. Straight line over “LUCK”. At bottom of coin, a small five pointed star with dot in center and an arrowhead at both sides. R-7
Same as XMAS 9a, except date changed to /1966/ R-1
REL c.c 5a
Vertical with dot border. Similar in appearance to REL c.c 5. /INRI/ is boxed and straight across. Outline of “Cross” consists of small dots. Distances from cross to border 2.00mm at top, .05mm at sides and touches border at bottom. Design and background appear rough. R-4
REL c.c 5b
Vertical with NO border. Fancy “CROSS-CRUCIFIX”. No legend. R– 5
REL c.c 5c
Vertical with dot border. At center, a “CROSS”. Vertical stem filled with short horizontal lines. Horizontal stem filled with short vertical lines. At base of coin, same curve as bottom of coin, initials R W J. R-1
LP hor 8
Horizontal with dot border. /OUR FATHER WHICH-/ “Lord’s Prayer” in ten horizontal lines. One small “Cross” at top, and two at bottom. R– 3
LP hor 9
Horizontal with dot border. First three horizontal lines /THE LORDS PRAYER/. /OUR FATHER,/. /WHO ART IN HEAVEN/. Complete content in twelve horizontal lines. R-3
LP vob 6
Vertical with “Lettered”- rolled border. “Lord’ s Prayer” in twenty-three horizontal lines. “Letters” in rolled border non-decipherable, so intent unknown. R-1
LP rb OTE 12a
Vertical with rope border. Text in eighteen horizontal lines. First three /OUR/FATHER/WHO ART IN/. Last three /BUT DELIVER US/FROM EVIL/AMEN/. “U” of “Our” 2.5mm in from top border. “M” of “Amen” 3mm below “M” of “From” and 1.5mm above border. Space between “From evil” and “Amen”. No punctuation used. Following words placed on different lines, EAR/TH, TH/EM , AG/AINST, TRESPAS/SES. R-2
LP rb OTAE 1
Same coin as identified as IL-CPIE 38a. “Mule” R-7
LP rb OTP 1
Coin has been re-rolled from original die, with a small incused “C” for “COPY” at lower right edge. R-1
LP db OTAE 45
Vertical with small dot border. (75 dots) Text in twenty-two lines. Crudely done, lettering uneven, and “G’s” appear as “C’s”. First four lines /OUR/FATHER/WHO ART/IN HEAVEN/. Comma after “Heaven” in fourth line. Period after “Heaven” in tenth line. Comma after “Bread” in twelfth line. “tres” in thirteenth line runs into dot border on right edge. “tres” in fifteenth line inset from dot border at right edge approximately 1mm. Period after “US” in sixteenth line. Comma after “Temptation” in eighteenth line. (Bill Berg purported roller – engraver in 1930’s). R-2
Vertical with dot border. “Lord’s Prayer” in seventeen horizontal lines. On line ten, “Trespasses” mis-spelled “Tresspasses.” R-2
LP db OTPG 2
Vertical with dot border. (51 dots) Text in twenty horizontal lines. First three /LORDS/PRAYER/OUR FATHER WHO ART IN/. “Heaven” is centered as the eighth line by itself. “Amen” is centered by itself as the bottom line. R– 2
REL t.c 1
Same coin as N.Y-WF(l) 45. R-3
REL t.c 2a
Same coin as N.Y-WF(l) 46. R-3
REL t.c 3a
Similar to ReI t.c 3, except tablets measure 13mm x 12mm. R-2
REL t.c 4a
Similar to REL t.c 4, except tablets measure 13mm x 12mm. R-2
REL t.c 6a
Similar to REL t.c 6, except “STAR OF DAVID” placed at base of tablets. R-6
REL t.c 6b
Similar to REL t.c 6, except tablets are blank. R-6
REL t.c 11a
Same as REL t.c 11, except numeral “7” missing. R-l
REL t.c 12a
Same as REL t.c 12, except “N’s” are not doubled. R-l
REL t.c 14c
Vertical with rope border. Text in twenty-two lines. Different placement of the “10 Commandments”. Numeral “5” directly over numeral “6”, at left edge. No punctuation used. First line/1 I AM THE/. Last line /GOODS/. R-2
REL t.c 18a
Vertical with rope border. Text in twenty-three lines. /I. THOU/. Last line /bORS/. Numeral “4” omitted. Some punctuation omitted. On 5th line, “M” in “Make” should be a “T”. R-2
REL t.c 19a
Vertical with horizontal dash border. Text in twenty-four lines. Wording the same as REL t.c 15, but placement different. First line /I AM THEE/. Last line /GOODS/. Four hyphens only punctuation used. R-l
REL xxx 6
Vertical with dot border. /THE/LORD IS/MY SHEPARD/. (23rd Psalm) Content in twenty-one horizontal lines. R- 3
REL xxx 7
Vertical with dot border. At center, a shrouded, cloaked figure facing left. Same curve as bottom of coin around bottom of coin /NASA DE GUADALUPE DE MEXICO/. Between legend and figure, an inner border of horizontal dashes. R-6
Horizontal with denticle border. (Variation of SHIPS 7) Border split at top & bottom for lettering. At top split, letters /P.N.Y./. At bottom split, lettering /NAVY DAY/. At center of “coin”, a submarine facing right, with numeral “9” on bow. Beneath submarine, very numerous jagged water lines. R– 3
Vertical with rope border. At center, a large, older type ship depicted. Small flag at front waving right. U.S. Flag at rear waving right. At bottom of coin in water lines /MAINE/. R-7
Obverse – Horizontal with No border. On same curve as top of coin across top of “coin” /SHIPYARD/. At center, an old destroyer depicted, facing right, with large initials /U.S./ on side-center. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /VOLUNTEER/. Reverse – At left edge a small police-like shield with six lines of too fine to read printing. “Mule” R– 2
Horizontal with wire border. On same curve as top of coin across top edge of “coin” /PUGET SOUND/. Second line down, horizontal /MFG. BY/. Third line down, horizontal /SHEET METAL/. Fourth line down, horizontal /SHOP/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom edge /NAVAL SHIPYARD/. R-2
SOC a.l 4a
Vertical with rope border. Similar to SOC a.l 4, except a period In the center of the initials /U·S/. Initials are also much smaller. R-3
SOC aoh 1
Same coin design as SIMUL. 20. .R-5
SOC bpoe 10
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin /B.P.O.E./. At center, an elk head facing left, over a roman numeral clock face, with a star at top. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom, in two lines /LOS ANGELES/1909/. R-7
SOC bpoe 10a
Same as SOC bpoe 10, except no border. R-7
SOC bpoe 11
Vertical with dot border. On same curve as top of coin at top /B.P.O.E./. At center an elk head facing left, with clock face centered between antlers, hands of clock at eleven o’clock. At bottom, in three lines, same curve as bottom of coin /ASBURY PARK/STATE CONVENTION/1926/. R–9
SOC foe 6
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top /EAGLES/. At center, a small eagle, head left, in large crescent object, whose ends point up. At bottom, very slightly same curve as bottom of coin /F.O.E./. R-6
SOC ioof 5
Horizontal with denticle border. On same curve as top of coin at top /IOOF/. Star and arrowhead before and after it. At center, three linked rings. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom-center, a small star with two arrowheads at left and right of it. R–6
SOC ioof 6
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top /ODD FELLOWS/. At center, three linked rings, with one letter in each, left to right /FLT/. At bottom, on same curve as bottom of coin /I·O O F /. R–6
SOC k.p 6
Vertical with NO border. At center, a four “arm” design, with skull over crossbones. In left arm, letter /F/. In top arm, letter /C/. In right arm, letter /B/. Bottom arm is blank. R– 6
SOC loom 4a
Horizontal with denticle border. At center, a dual circle with moose head in it, facing right. At top, in dual circle, and between antlers /P. A.P./. Under moose neck at left and in dual circle /LOY ORD/. Moose beard splits dual circles. To right of beard, under nose, in dual circles /OF/. Above nose, below right antler, in dual circles /M/. Down left side of coin /LOYAL ORDER/. Up right side /OF MOOSE/. R-5
SOC loom 7
Vertical with rolled border. At top, on same curve as top of coin in two lines /L O.O.M./
/CONVENTION/. At center, a large moose head facing left, in dual circles. In dual circles at top, between antlers /PAP/. At left, in dual circles, over nose /LOY/. At left-bottom, in dual circle /AL/. Moose beard splits dual circles. At right-bottom, under neck, in dual circle /ORDER OF MOOS/. Right antler blocks out right half of “S” of “MOOS”, and all of “E”. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /MILWAUKEE WIS/. Horizontal under it, in one line /1914/. R-6
SOC m.o 4b
Same as SOC m.o 4a, except center part of design, at bottom of coin, points to left side of denticle of denticle border. R-2
SOC m.o 4c
Vertical with large dash or separated-denticle border. On same curve as top of coin lettering and or inscription at top non-decipherable, as coin is an incomplete roll-out. At center, depicted a small MASONIC symbol or emblem of the BLUE LODGE. R-4
SOC m.o 15a
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin lettering at top /A.A.O.N.M.S/. Below at center , a sphinx-like appearance with a scimitar super-imposed over it. Below that, a large crescent shaped object with points down, and a star in it’s center. Small design at left and right of down points. R-7
SOC m.o 17a
Vertical with rolled border. Similar to SOC m.o 17, except basic symbol is much larger, and the border different. R–4
SOC m.o 17b
Vertical with NO border. Very similar to SOC m.o 17, except for having no border. R–4
SOC m.o 21
Vertical with small dot border. At center, a two-way appearance SHRINERS head. One way “with frown”, turn coin around, one way “with smile”. No legend. (Numerous modern copies abound). R-4
SOC m.o 22
Vertical with denticle border. Centered symbols same as SOC m.o 4. On same curve as top of coin around top, over symbols /MASTER/, at left side /MASON/, at right side. At bottom of coin, and under symbols in one horizontal line /A.F. & A.M/. R-5
SOC m.o 23
Vertical with denticle border. Symbol of the Blue Lodge centered. At top and bottom of coin, a small five pointed star with arrowheads each side, pointing in. R-4
SOC m.o 24
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top edge of coin /LOS ANGELES/. Centered on coin, a large Masonic symbol of the Blue Lodge. On same curve as bottom of coin at the bottom /1909/. R4
SOC m.o 25
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around upper edge of coin /JR ORDER AMERICAN/. Center of coin area filled with a Masonic emblem. Instead of an initial inside the “V”, there is a brawny shoulder, arm and hand with upraised mallet. Above top point of said emblem appears to be a small “plus” sign or “cross” with four inflated “arms”. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom edge of coin /MECHANICS/. R-10
SOC scra 1a
Vertical with denticle border. Identical to SOC scra 1, except the words “Royal Arcanum” do not appear on the coin. R-5
SOC xxx 4
/BRADLEY/1906/HOROLOGICAL/. (Much information lacking on this “coin”.) R-?
MISC xxx 2a
Horizontal with NO border. At center, a female figure holding reins of a horse head facing right. Horse head is in center of a horseshoe, ends down. Horse nose is over right side of horseshoe. At left of horseshoe, running up hill /SOUVENIR/. At right of horseshoe, also running up hill /OF THE FAIR/. R–6
MISC xxx 5a
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top of coin /SOUVENIR OF/. Similar in respect and layout as MISC xxx 5, except center figure is that of horse facing right. Small steer head to left of horse’s tail. Small shrub to left of steer’s head. Small collie-like dog facing left, to right of horse. Small shrub to right of dogs tail. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom, in large letters /STATE FAIR/. R–6
MISC xxx 9a
Horizontal with dot border. At center , a deer head with crossed rifles over it, barrels thru antlers. At left, a scene of a rail type fence with two trees in background. At right, a mountain scene with four tall trees and one short one on it. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /SPORTSMEN’S SHOW/. Wide band inner liner at top, split by three dots. Squiggely line design to right of word “Show”. R-6
MISC xxx 13a
Vertical with NO border. Same as MISC XXX 13 except for no border. (May be a 1976 re-roll). R-2
MISC xxx 16b
Same as MISC xxx 16, except a star added to left and right of /1961/ date, and initials RJ at right edge. R-1
MISC xxx 16c
Same as MISC xxx 16, except initials RJ at right edge. R-1
MISC xxx 22a
Horizontal with small dot border. On same curve as top of coin around top /REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR/. Below, in one horizontal line / ·V-/. At bottom, in one Horizontal line /DEC. 7, 1941/. R-7
MISC xxx 26a
Vertical with no border. Same as MISC xxx 26, except no wording. R-3
MISC xxx 27a
Rolled border. (Direction of roll-out unknown) At top /SOUVENIRE/. At center, view of building with a large dome at center and a smaller dome at each side. Three flags flying to
left, at top of domes. At bottom edge /OF THE FAIR/. R-6
MISC xxx 37
Same coin as MISC xxx 10, except rolled in reverse, and without horizontal bars. R-4
MISC xxx 42
Believed to be only a clearer version of IND xxx 1. R-5
MISC xxx 43a
Vertical with rolled border. At center, a tall monument with attached small building at right. At left side, three trees. At rear of small building, two trees. At right of small building, one tree. At bottom, staggered on same curve as bottom of coin in two lines /BUNKER HILL/MONUMENT/. R– 9
MISC xxx 43b
Horizontal with rolled border. Filling coin completely, a beautiful Park scene, with shrubbery mass in right foreground. Same curve as bottom of coin at bottom /SULSERS PARK/. R-7
MISC xxx 43c
Vertical with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top /G-A-R/. Below, filling balance of coin, an eagle, head right, with out–stretched wings, standing on crossed cannon barrels, with cannon balls underneath cannon barrels. Below this, a U.S. FLAG hanging straight down, with STAR block at top-left. Below that, and covering the bottom of the flag, a five pointed star, with main point pointing down. At center of star, small dual circles with three human figures inside same. R-9
MISC xxx 43d
Horizontal with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at top /DIE ENGRAVERS/. Below in four horizontal lines /UNION STEEL STAMP/ & DIE ENGRAVERS SINCE 1940/. At bottom, on same curve as bottom of coin /MARKING TOOLS/. At outer left and right edges, a diamond dash diamond design. R-8
MISC xxx 43e
Vertical with NO border. On same curve as top of coin at extreme top, and same curve as bottom of coin at extreme bottom, non-decipherable lettering. Near bottom of coin, a small square, raised box which appears to have clouds in it. R-5
MISC xxx 43f
Vertical with NO border. Midway down coin from the top, in same curve as top of coin and ornamental /U.S. TREASURY/. Below that, horizontal and ornamental /DEPT/. “T” is taller than “Dep”. Below that, two arrowheads pointing in, with the numeral “1” in between them. Below that, towards bottom of coin, and on same curve as bottom of coin /OCT. 12, 1881/. Numerous little curlicues above and below wording “U.S. Treasury”, and below date. (May be classified as a Love Token) Plain reverse. R–5
MISC xxx 43g
Vertical with rolled border. Basic coin engraving consists of billowing clouds, similar to those shown on N.Y. n.f series. 1910 Lincoln head cent shows through. R–3
MISC xxx 43h
Vertical with NO border. Basic, centered design consists of a five pointed Star, with main point down. Five assorted symbols denoted, one in each star point, and one slightly larger at center of star. No legend. (Possibly an Eastern Star emblem.) R-4
MISC xxx 43i
Horizontal with rolled border. On same curve as top of coin around top edge, /VALENTINE FEDERAL/. Center design non-decipherable. At left of it, in one horizontal line /SAVINGS/. To right of it, in one horizontal line /& LOAN/. On same curve as bottom of coin around bottom edge /CICERO ILLINOIS/. ( May be classified as a Bank Token). R-2
MISC xxx 43j
Vertical with No border. Centered and incused on obverse a slightly elongated mirror-perfect copy of a 1943 Lincoln cent, as minted, but in reverse. (Was someone trying to make, and possibly cut out a rare 1943 copper cent?) R-2
MISC xxx 44a
Horizontal with No border. On same curve as top of coin at top edge of coin /JUNIOR/. At center of coin a mono-plane depicted, flying to left. Grouping of clouds shown above and below same. To left of propeller, in one horizontal line /U.S.A./. At tip of wing at right, a raised circular impression, apparently for a hole location. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge of coin /BIRDMEN/. (Purported to have been a radio program “give away” during the early 1930’s.) Over-all appearance of coin is very similar to MISC xxx 44. R–6
MISC xxx 49
Obverse – horizontal with small dot border inside of rolled border. On same curve as top of coin at top edge /COMPLIMENTS/. Under it, in one horizontal line /-OF-/. Under that in two horizontal lines /A. F. SHAPLEIGH/HDW. CO./. Same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /ST. LOUIS. MO./. Reverse – horizontal with same type of border. On same curve as top of coin at top edge /SYRACUSE/. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /BICYCLES/. Very ornate lettering. At center left & right edges a small six piece design. At center, between words, a slightly larger thirteen piece design. “Mule” R-3
MISC xxx 50
Horizontal with small dot border. Centered on coin, a pictoral view of the “Rock” with three birds in sky above same. Below the view, what appears to be thirteen waves, although one larger one may be a whale or boat. On same curve as bottom of coin at bottom edge /ALCATRAZ ISLAND/. Dot border terminates at first “A” and end “D” of bottom line. R-5
MISC xxx 51
Odd shape with No border. Centered on coin, a uniformed male figure astride a prancing horse, facing right, on a raised earthen mound. Horizontal in base of mound /1896/. No other legend. (Similar to IND ind 3) R-5
SIMUL. 18b
Obverse-Vertical with triple line small dash border. Complete center of coin, a mesh-like effect. Mounted at center , a bust of Abe Lincoln, as cut- out from a U. S 1 cent piece. Reverse – Vertical with dot border. Same as Simul. 17. “Mule” R-4
Vertical with small flat dot border. Centered on “coin”, a large building with spire and five clouds above same. Below building, in two horizontal lines /NOTRE DAME/DE PARIS/. Under this, a small dish-like receptacle with four wavy lines in it. R-4