Job Descriptions



The President is an elected officer and receives no compensation, but does automatically become a life member at the end of his/her term and no longer has to pay dues. The President’s term is for 2 years.

● The President must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.
● The President must have already served at least one two-year term as a member of the Governing Board.

● Attend and preside at the annual meeting and generally supervise all matters of business; conduct meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised.
● Make decisions on routine and urgent matters of importance that arise between meetings, and report such decisions to the Governing Board.
● Participate as a member of the Governing Board to review and vote on various proposals that come before the board for approval.
● Respond to member inquiries and other issues regarding TEC as requested.
● Appoint people to fill vacancies, subject to approval of the Governing Board.
● Appoint committees deemed necessary and proper, subject to approval of the Governing Board.
● Appoint other personnel on an ‘as needed’ basis, such as Sargeant-At-Arms, Historian, Librarian, Legal Counsel, subject to approval of the Governing Board.
● Appoint the Editor, subject to approval of the Governing Board.
● Issue awards in recognition of outstanding service or actions of an out-going or retiring officer or member and awards for Young Numismatists on their birthdays, the scope and value of which are established by the Governing Board.
● Confer honorary and life memberships on those who have performed noteworthy service, subject to approval of the Board.

● Call for nominations in January.
● Appoint 3-5 members who are not candidates for election to the Election Committee
● Announce the election results at the annual meeting.
● If no position was opposed and no ballots were mailed, declare the candidates elected by acclimation, subject to approval of the Governing Board.


Vice President

The Vice President is an elected officer and receives no compensation. The Vice President’s term is for 2 years.

● The Vice President must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.

● Attend and preside at the annual meeting whenever not attended by the President and generally supervise all matters of business; conduct meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised.
● Participate as a member of the Governing Board to review and vote on various proposals that come before the board for approval.
● Respond to member inquiries and other issues regarding TEC as requested.
● Overseeing the designing, rolling, & distribution of TEC Merit, Birthday, Membership, News Award, and annual show ECs and ensuring they are produced on time.
● Working together with the Editor as needed to obtain the ECs for each TEC News mailing (including the annual TEC coin) and ensuring they are received by TEC Editor by the Editor’s deadline.
● If the office of President becomes vacant at any time between election periods, ascend to the office of President and assume all associated duties of that title.



The Secretary is an elected officer and receives no compensation. The Secretary’s term is for 2 years.

● The Secretary must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.
● The Secretary is ideally bonded, but this is not required. NOTE: TEC would assume any and all expenses of bonding should the Secretary wish to become so.

● Prepare membership application forms, subject to the approval of the Governing Board.
● Receive and review membership applications and renewals, including dues (should be completed within 4-6 weeks of receipt).
● Prepare Finance Report to Treasurer with details of payments received and expenses incurred that require reimbursement at regular intervals.
● Receive orders for Yesterday’s Elongateds from members; submit payments to Treasurer in report; forward order information to proper order processing personnel.
● Assign a membership number and produce a membership card for each member.
● Maintain the membership Roster; for example, drop members who do not renew at the required time, reinstate members who renew after the deadline, update addresses as required, add new members, renew existing members, etc.
● Ensure redundancy of backup copies of TEC Roster.
● Provide hard copy and electronic copy of TEC Roster to Historian once per year.
● Respond to member inquiries and other issues regarding TEC as requested from snail mail, email, and TEC website.
● Receive and forward written concerns about the admission, readmission, suspension, or expulsion of any member to the Governing Board.
● Should attend the annual meeting; take Minutes of the annual meeting.
● Prepare and submit Minutes of Board and General Membership meetings to Board for approval; once approved, forward finalized Minutes to TEC Editor for publishing in the next TEC News.
● Prepare any required membership statistics required by Board members throughout year.
● Generate mailing labels and lists as requested from both Board members (for example, for Young Numismatists Birthday coin mailings, Merit Award mailings) and TEC members.
● Generate mailing labels of all appropriate members and deliver to TEC Editor by required deadline for each newsletter mailing.
● Provide TEC Editor with list of new TEC members joined since last newsletter by required deadline.
● Participate as a member of the Governing Board to review and vote on various proposals that come before the board for approval.

● Receive nominations for all offices.
● Inform nominees of their selection and request acceptance/refusal of nomination.
● Request biographies of accepted nominees, and insure their completion by the required deadline.
● Submit written biographies of all nominees to TEC Editor for publication in TEC News Volume 2 of the election year.
● Print ballots, print mailing labels, assign numbering system to ballot envelopes, mail ballots to all appropriate members, receive all ballot returns by required date, and deliver ballots and list of mailed envelope numbers to the Election Committee prior to the annual TEC meeting.



The Treasurer is an elected officer and receives no compensation. The Treasurer’s term is for 2 years.

● The Treasurer must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.
● The Treasurer is ideally bonded, but this is not required. NOTE: TEC would assume any and all expenses of bonding should the Treasurer wish to become so.

● Receive written reports, dues, and payments for TEC supplies (including Yesterday’s Elongateds) from officers and others regarding expenses incurred; maintain the reports for audit.
● Maintain TEC bank account.
● Prepare reimbursements to members as required from TEC assets.
● Prepare Financial Reports at least annually at the time of the annual meeting and submit copies to Board Members.
● Attend the annual meeting (if possible); read Annual Finance Report of finances.
● If not in attendance, ensure that President receives the written Annual Finance Report.
● Participate as a member of the Governing Board to review and vote on various proposals that come before the board for approval.
● Respond to member inquiries and other issues regarding TEC as requested.



Governors are elected officers and receive no compensation. Three Governors are elected. Each Governor’s term is for the same 2 years.

● The Governor must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.

● Participate as a member of the Governing Board to review and vote on various proposals that come before the board for approval.
● Respond to member inquiries and other issues regarding TEC as requested.
● Should attend Annual meetings and participate as a member of the Governing Board as outlined for that body.


Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President is not a directly elected officer and receives no compensation. When a TEC President’s term expires, that person automatically becomes a member of the TEC governing board until the next President’s term expires.

● The Immediate Past President must be a member in good standing.
● The Immediate Past President must have honorably served as TEC President for the term immediately preceding the current TEC President’s term.

● Assist TEC President with transition to his/her position and be available for any requested guidance.
● Participate as a member of the Governing Board to review and and vote on various proposals that come before the board for approval.
● Respond to member inquiries and other issues regarding TEC as requested.
● Should attend Annual meetings and participate as a member of the Governing Board as outlined for that body.


Governing Board

● The Governing Board receives no compensation.
● TEC Governing Board consists of the following elected and voting members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, three active Governors, and Immediate Past President.
● The remainder of TEC Governing Board consists of the following appointed positions and serves in an advisory capacity, participating in all discussions, but having no vote: Historian, Webmaster and Editor.
● Other official TEC appointees may serve as advisory members of TEC governing Board at the presidents discretion with approval from the voting members of the Governing Board.
● All members of the Governing Board must be a regular or life members in good standing and be 21 years or older.

● Review and vote on the President’s decisions, e.g., Honorary and Life memberships.
● Review and vote on membership application forms.
● Review and vote on questions of admission or readmission, censure, suspension, or expulsion.
● Review and vote on declaration of election by acclimation.
● Review and vote on the President’s appointments to fill office vacancies.
● Review and vote on the President’s appointments for other personnel.
● Review and vote on the Editor’s advertising rates.
● Review and vote on all debts contracted by the club, except those of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor who may purchase stationery, postage, and supplies needed to conduct the business of their offices.
● Participate as a member of the Governing Board to review and vote on various proposals that come before the board for approval.



The Editor is appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Governing Board. The Editor may receive a small compensation for services provided.

● The Editor must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.
● The Editor must be conversant with publishing software.

● Publish issues of TEC News in the first week of the first month of each quarter.
● Publish results of Governing Board actions in questions of admission, readmission, censure, suspension, or expulsion.
● Set advertising rates, subject to approval of the Governing Board.
● Prepare a written report of expenses incurred for each publication of TEC News and submit it to the Treasurer.
● Working together with the Vice President as needed to obtain the EC’s for each TEC NEWS mailing (including the annual TEC coin) and ensuring they are received by TEC Editor by the Editor’s deadline.
● Issue awards to members who contribute to TEC News, the scope and value of which are established by the Governing Board.
● Participate as an advisory member of the Governing Board to review various proposals that come before the board for approval.

● Publish the President’s call for nominations, the short statements of each candidate, and the results of the election after the Annual Meeting.
● Publish Minutes of the Annual Board and General Membership meetings as approved by the TEC Board.



The Historian is appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Governing Board, and receives no compensation.

● The Historian must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.

● Maintain and store the TEC Library and archives.
● Respond to reasonable and authorized requests for information from the TEC archives and library loan requests.
● Participate as an advisory member of the Governing Board to review various proposals that come before the board for approval.



The Webmaster is appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Governing Board, and receives no compensation.

● The Webmaster must be a regular or life member in good standing and be 21 years or older.
● The Webmaster must be conversant in the technological maintenance of Internet websites.

● Maintain and update TEC Website as required by the TEC Board.
● Trouble-shoot any issues reported on the website.
● Participate as an advisory member of the Governing Board to review various proposals that come before the board for approval.


Election Committee

The Election Committee is made up of three to five TEC members appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Governing Board, and receive no compensation. The Election Committee is appointed separately for each election year and serves for that year only. The President may appoint a member to the Election Committee that has already served same role in a previous election year.

● Election Committee members must be members in good standing and be 21 years or older.
● Election Committee members must be able to attend the Annual TEC Meetings.
● None of the Election Committee members may be a candidate in the current election.

● On the first day of the ANA convention, receive the sealed ballots from the Secretary and review each envelope to determine if the ballot is legitimate.
● Open each ballot; tabulate the votes; prepare a report of the number of votes cast for each candidate; and, deliver the report to the President.