Join / Renew

We gather for our annual meeting at the American Numismatic Association’s World’s Fair of Money convention. In addition, many of our members gather throughout the year at mini-meets in various parts of the country to visit with one another, compare collections, trade duplicates, and go on squishin’ missions. Many of us also participate in various internet discussion groups, sharing our latest discoveries and helping each other out in any way that we can. We welcome any and all questions that you may have – just click Contact Us.

Some of the Benefits of TEC Membership

  • Our quarterly newsletter, TEC News and periodic email updates, TEC eNews, both of which feature informative articles, club news reports from from our officers and members, notices of new elongated coins, and more.
  • Each quarterly newsletter also comes with TEC-issued and member donated elongateds to help build your collection. TEC issued elongateds are redesigned year to year to include the coveted TEC Member coin as well as two elongateds produced for the annual ANA show.
  • In addition, there are free birthday elongateds for Young Numismatists (which older members can purchase from TEC store), exclusive, limited edition Medal of Merit elongateds awarded by TEC president to those who do especially good work in promoting the hobby, and exclusive, limited edition TEC News contributor elongateds for those who write articles for TEC News.
  • Free classified ads in TEC News
  • Generous discounts on Lee Martin’s classic instructional video How to Etch a Steel Die on DVD.
  • And much more… However, best of all is access to the unmatched generosity and wisdom of both novice and advanced collectors alike.

One last detail, you will see the membership application/renewal form advises all current and new members to read and abide by the TEC by-laws. Copies of the by-laws are included in each welcome packet and are available by request from TEC secretary.

Okay, ready to join us? Click here for TEC Membership Application/Renewal (PDF), print it out, fill it in, and mail it to TEC Secretary with your check or money order (Payable to: TEC).

Having trouble with the PDF version of the form? Email TEC Secretary and you will be mailed a copy right away. Thank you for your interest and happy collecting!

Prefer to pay via paypal for your membership? Simply use the form below!



P.S. You will need Adobe Reader to open our PDF forms. It is a safe and free program that is very handy to have on your computer. Need it? Click on the Adobe Reader Icon below to download and install your copy of the reader.