Current Officers

Here is a complete listing of current TEC Officers and Officials.
Mailing addresses for these individuals are listed in each issue of the TEC News.
Contact information can be found on the Contact page.

President: Tyler Tyson
Vice President: Paul Conner
Secretary: Terri Ventresca
Treasurer: Cindy Calhoun
Governor:  Vicky Bowser
Governor: Bob Frazier
Governor: Uni Marbutt

Immediate Past President: Cindy Calhoun

Historian: Les Holbrook
Newsletter Editor: Sandy Marxen
Webmaster: Katie Wanta
Store Manager: Uni Marbutt
Press Agent: Bob Fritsch

You can view TEC Board Members Job Descriptions, HERE.


Past Presidents of TEC include:

Dottie Dow*
Henry Blaha*
Lloyd E. Wagaman*
Sally Kirka*
Lee Martin*
Chester Rogers*
Frank Brazzell*
Ray Dillard*
Gus J. Meccarello*
William C. Massey
Nancy Wooten*
Bob Fritsch
Larry Feit
Oded Paz
Cindy Calhoun

(* deceased)