It’s time once again for the TEC Design Contest! The theme this year is “Treasure Trivia”. In addition to being given to every TEC member, the winning designs will be given to kids who participate in the Treasure Trivia game at ANA coin shows. We will repeat this theme every few years, as we did with the Join TEC theme, to refresh the designs.
There are two categories, one for adults and one for young numismatists. These are judged separately with a winner selected from each.
The winning designs will be announced in the April newsletter and rolled on cents for the July newsletter.
Interpretation of the theme is completely up to you. If you are inspired by more than one idea, you can submit a second design.
If you are a new member, young numismatist, or never submitted an entry to the design contest before, we encourage you to put your ideas to paper and submit an entry this year!
For past participants, we hope to see your creativity shine through again this year!
The content entry form contains a few lines where you can add optional notes that will be shared with the judges. (Sometimes participants incorporate creative elements or symbolic gestures into their design that they would like to bring to the judge’s attention.)
The contest is open to all current TEC members. If you haven’t paid your dues for 2025, please do so before entering the contest.
The judges, consisting of the TEC board and last year’s adult member winner, will look for originality of the design and appropriateness to the theme.
Design Tips:
- The design will be reduced to fit on a penny! Strive for bold and simple. Avoid very small details and text. Make your drawing as clean as you can.
- Do not use copyrighted logos or images
- “Treasure Trivia” must appear somewhere in the design. Please DO NOT put the year on your design
- Entries are limited to two per member, avoid submitting the same design with different variations
- When submitting designs via email, please consider image quality as entries are provided to the judges “as received”
- Please do NOT put your initials on the design — this is to keep the entries anonymous to the judges. The winner’s initials will be added to the design after judging.
- When submitting entries by U.S. Mail, please allow extra time for delivery to ensure that it will arrive prior to the deadline.
- TEC reserves the right to modify the winning design for space or aesthetic design.
- Most of all – have fun!
The winning designer of each group will receive:
- 25 elongated pennies rolled with the winning design
- One set of denominational coins rolled with the winning design (U.S Quarter, Dime, Nickel, Cent)
- One free year of TEC Membership
- The adult winner will be a member of the judging panel for the next year’s contest
- Note: any design considered inappropriate will be disqualified.
**Entries MUST be received NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 15, 2025****