We elect our president, vice presidents, treasurer,
secretary, and governors in odd numbered years.
So, 2025 is an election year and nominations of
members to serve as officers are being accepted
These are two-year volunteer positions. Job
descriptions are available at tecnews.org/board/job-descriptions. Current board members are happy to
talk about the workload and their experiences on the
Adult members in good standing may nominate other
adult members in good standing to any of the officer
positions. While you may not nominate yourself, you
are welcome to ask another member to nominate
Nominees for president, vice president, secretary,
and treasurer must be 21 years or older — because
they sign contracts on behalf of the club and handle
the club’s money. Nominees for governor must be
18 years or older.
Please submit nominations in writing to the secretary
by no later than March 14, 2025. An email to
terri@tecnews.org is sufficient and preferred.
Nominations by U.S. mail to our P.O Box must be
received by March 14, so please plan accordingly!
The secretary will notify nominees as nominations are
received. Nominees cannot accept a nomination for
more than one office.
To be listed as a candidate for election, nominees
must submit a written acceptance, a photo, and a
short bio to the secretary by March 31, 2025.