2013 News

  A book was just published “Abraham Lincoln Beyond the American Icon” by Fred Reed and it features a mention on Elongated Coins, including one designed by our own, Oded Paz. It’s an election year! Be sure to submit your nominations for TEC Board to Secretary Les Holbrook.

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2012 News

News 2012 It is with saddened heart that we have to inform you that a pillar of the elongated coins community, Mr.  Angelo Anthony Rosato, died peacefully on Tuesday November 13, 2012, at the age of 91. He was Charter Life Member number 23-LM of TEC Mr. Rosato was born April 9, 1921 in Waterville, CT. In 1953 he opened A.A. Rosato Jeweler’s, in New Milford, and was in business for 32 years before retiring in 1985. Mr. Rosato was an artist and enjoyed coin collecting as a hobby, where he became interested in collecting elongated coins. With this passion[…]

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