2022 Design Contest

It’s time once again for TEC’s annual design contest!  This year’s theme is “My Dream Vacation” and the deadline for entries is February 18, 2022.  Members and Young Numismatics can enter 2 designs per person. Download the rules and entry form: https://tecnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Frazier-2022-Coin-Design-Contest.pdf Good luck and happy designing! 

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TEC Online Auction

Save the date for TEC’s Online Auction! When: Saturday February 19, 2022 at 4 PM Eastern Preview: A catalog will be sent via email blast 7-10 days before the auction. Log On: Via Zoom. To register for the auction and social hour, an email with a sign-up link will be sent to all members with an email on file. If we don’t have your email, contact the Secretary at terri@tecnews.org  to be added to the list. Basic Rules: Bob Fritsch will conduct the auction and he’ll explain how it is to be run. Bidding: This will be covered by Bob[…]

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TEC will be at Table 11 at the World’s Fair of Money in Rosemont, IL in August. The table is right by the entrance to the Exhibit Area and next to Treasure Trivia.  Be sure to stop by and say hi!  TEC’s annual meeting will be held at the WFOM in Room 24 on August 13th.  The Board Meeting will take place from 8-9 and the Members Meeting from 9-1. If you’d like to preorder your items to pick up at the WFOM, check out the Presale area of our new shop!

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Site to be down for maintenance

The site will be going down for maintenance over the next few weeks. May 1 the online store and online join/renew form will be removed. If you’re thinking about making purchases or need to renew be sure to do that now! May 7 the entire site will come down for updates. We hope to be back up ASAP once maintenance updates have been completed.

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Yesterday’s Elongateds Project Update

TEC BOOK UPDATE 2-5-21 The above linked PDF is a listing of the good photos that we have for the Yesterday’s Elongated Update Project TEC has been working on.  If you have photos of any of the missing coins (from 1965 or earlier) please send them to pictures@tecnews.org for inclusion in the project.   Please send one image per email. Send as high of a resolution as you can in an image form (JPG, JPEG, GIF, etc. Not a PDF)  Please send any identification or other information you know about the coin as well. More detail can be found on the[…]

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Yesterday’s Elongateds Project

PHOTOs we have Listing 1-17-2021 The above linked PDF is a listing of the good photos that we have for the Yesterday’s Elongated Update Project TEC has been working on.  If you have photos of any of the missing coins (from 1965 or earlier) please send them to pictures@tecnews.org for inclusion in the project.   Please send one image per email. Send as high of a resolution as you can in an image form (JPG, JPEG, GIF, etc. Not a PDF)  Please send any identification or other information you know about the coin as well. More detail can be found on[…]

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2021 Design Contest

It is time once again for the annual TEC Coin Design Contest. Again, this year we will be judging young numismatist entries separate from regular members entries and announcing a winner from each group! The coveted prize of seeing your design rolled on to a penny will be awarded to each group! Also, once again the contest entry form contains a few lines where you can add notes about your design that will be shared with the judges. The notes are completely optional, but sometimes participants incorporate creative elements or symbolic gestures into their design that they would like to[…]

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